TIME®2500 adalah pengukur ketebalan lapisan digital ekonomis yang menggunakan metode induksi magnetik untuk mengukur lapisan non-magnetik (misalnya cat, plastik, enamel porselen, tembaga, seng, aluminium, krom, dan lain-lain) pada substrat besi (misalnya besi, nikel, dan lain-lain). Alat pengukur ketebalan cat ini sangat ideal untuk pengujian permukaan yang dicat, inspeksi cat mobil, pengujian bahan berlapis, dan aplikasi kontrol kualitas.
- Magnetic induction (F), measuring the thickness of non-magnetic materials (e.g. Paint, plastic, porcelain enamel, copper, zinc, aluminum, chrome etc.) on magnetic materials (e.g. iron, nickel etc.). Zero point calibration and two-point calibration to correct the system error of the probe
- Features two working modes: DIRECT and BATCH & two measuring ways: CONTINUE and SINGLE
- Statistics include the mean, maximum, minimum, test numbers and standard deviation.
- Memory of 500 data
- Deletion of current data, calibrated data, limit data and all data stored.
- Integrated with printer to print the statists values if needed
- Low battery indication and error alarm
- Buzz during operation for indication
- Backlight for the screen
- Auto or manual shutdown
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