Coating Thickness Gauge TIME®2600 metode pengukuran ketebalan: induksi magnetik (besi) dan arus eddy (non-besi). Alat ini dapat dengan cepat, tidak merusak, dan secara tepat mengukur ketebalan lapisan non-magnetik pada substrat logam magnetik, dan ketebalan lapisan non-konduktif pada substrat logam non-magnetik. Pengukur cat ini dapat dilengkapi dengan 6 probe opsional untuk aplikasi yang berbeda. Sangat cocok untuk pengujian lapangan dan penelitian laboratorium.
- Two operation principles are adapted: magnetic induction (ferrous) and eddy current (non-ferrous) to take non-destructive measurements
- 6 types of probes are available for different applications
- Features two working modes: DIRECT and BATCH& two measuring ways: CONTINUE and SINGLE
- Statistics include the mean, maximum, minimum, test numbers and standard deviation.
- Memory of 640 data
- Two calibration methods for better correction
- Integrated with printer to print the statists values if needed
- Low battery indication and error alarm
- Backlight for the screen
- Auto or manual shutdown
- Conform to the standards of DIN, ISO, ASTMBS.
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